Created as a direct competitor to Craigslist, Offerup has gained immense popularity and now boasts over 85 million users. If you are experiencing some trouble with your internet connection, try switching the cellular data and wireless internet. This appears to be the main reason why the site is ruthlessly panned on TrustPilot and SiteJabber. Price: $9.60 $3.33/month We see almost no complaints about this process. Ive tried Windscribe and Nord both of them cant log into the site, Deal Hunter For Offerup Now Available And Also Reliable, Dallas/Arlington/Fort Worth Pickup [offerup,craigslist,letgo,5miles Etc], PICK UP SERVICE FROM OFFERUP, LETGO AND PERSONAL SHOPPING IN ATLANTA, Brand New Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Bluetooth Leather Case Keyboard, Original 64gb Kingston Class 10 Memory Cards For 4500 naira.24hrs free delivery. You'd have to give around $50 for the device, and you only get one number. Torrenting: OK If you purchase locally, you can meet up face-to-face with the seller, where you can instantly retrieve the item. Dedicated IP: Not provided Its security and privacy offerings include Double VPN, an unbreakable encryption mechanism, Tor over VPN, a kill switch, cybersec, smart DNS, IP leak protection, WebRTC, and many others. The VPN is easy to set up, and their customer support is available 24/7 through live chat, email, and a ticketing system. OfferUp offers a 2-Day Purchase Protection plan that allows buyers to file a claim if the item they receive is not right, is missing, or that is not as described. Its against the law to keep peoples payouts!! OfferUp is a peer-to-peer sales site that allows most people to list and sell items for free. If you click an affiliate link and buy a product or service, we may be paid a fee by that merchant. Sell. This is Joshua from OfferUp Support. If you do not know how to move on, You may send a cancelation request to the seller if you are not satisfied with the sellers service. Several VPNs say they include some protection against malicious files. Click to reveal What is split tunneling? How does it work over VPN? - Gearrice LetGo vs OfferUp vs Craigslist: Which Pays More for Selling? The other consistent complaint about this site is that its customer service is completely non-existent. With the right VPN, you can browse and use OfferUp with peace of mind, knowing that your personal information and online activity are protected. So, whether you use it to access an online journal, a movie library, a financial transaction, or a platform like OfferUp or Tinder, you will be safe from being monitored or stolen.
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