The persecuting emperor Valerian, however, became a Persian prisoner of war, and his son Gallienus issued an edict of toleration restoring confiscated churches and cemeteries. Cartwright, Sophie no longer supports Internet Explorer. The two excerpts illustrate how the God, who probably used to be seen as a one of a human-like nature, turned into an unconditioned entity. Most notable was the shift from elements characteristic of native religion in its definition of religion (e.g., local tradition and custom, informal knowledge orally transmitted, and birth) to formulated dogma, creeds, law codes, and rules for conversion and admission that were characteristic of diasporic religion. Extending from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Indus River, from the forests of Germany and the steppes of Russia to the Sahara Desert and the Indian Ocean, it took in an area of some 1.5 million square miles (3.9 million square kilometres; most of Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Africa, Persia, and the borderlands of India) and had a total population of more than 54 million. Exchanging the Glory of the Invisible God: Pauls Concept of Idolatry Redefined Around Jesus as the Image of God Read Against the Backdrop of his Jewish Identity. Oonn? 2, and Cels. 2.18182; 20.182; Dial. 166; Cassiodorus, De Anima 7; Gregory the Great, Ep. See esp. View all Google Scholar citations 55 As Origen presents the Gnostic view of human nature, it entailed a denial that humans had the capacity to make decisions for which God held them accountable. Because among Greek philosophers there was a growing appreciation for the unity of the divine and for the notion that there may be a single simple divine principle underlying all things. 6.6; 6.14.810). 53 Princ. Ancient sacred books were translated or paraphrased into Greeke.g., the 4th3rd-century-bc Babylonian priest Berosus version of Babylonian materials, the 4th3rd-century-bc Egyptian priest Manethos Egyptian accounts, the Jewish Septuagint (Greek version of the Old Testament), or the 1st-century-ad Jewish historian Josephus Antiquities of the Jews, and the ethnic histories of the 1st-century-bc Greek writer Alexander Polyhistor. Embodiment, Heresy, and the Hellenization of Christianity: The Descent
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