the records maintained by school employees should

0000004476 00000 n,,,, Job titles, promotions, or position changes, Basic payroll and identifying employee data, Dates FMLA leave is taken by FMLA-eligible employees (leave must be designated in records as FMLA leave), including the hours of the leave if FMLA leave is taken in increments of less than one full day, Copies of employee notices of leave provided to the employer under the FMLA, if in writing, and copies of all eligibility notices given to employees as required under the FMLA, Any documents (including written and electronic records) describing employee benefits or employer policies and practices regarding paid and unpaid leave, Records of any dispute between the employer and an eligible employee regarding the designation of leave as FMLA leave, including any written statement from the employer or employee of the reasons for designation and for the disagreement, Records of additions or deductions from wages, Employee EIN, name, address, SSN, occupation, and employment dates, Wage, annuity, pension payments, tips dates and amounts, The fair market value of in-kind wages paid, Payments made due to sickness or injury absence dates and amounts, Copies of employees and recipients income tax withholding certificates, (Forms W-4, W-4P, W-4(SP), W-4S, and W-4V), Copies of returns filed and confirmation numbers, Fringe benefits and expense reimbursements dates and amounts, Health benefits, selections, and coverage, Requests for health-related leave of absence, FMLA applications, reports, and physician-signed paperwork and recommendations, Medical-related job accommodations or restrictions, Workers compensation, accident or injury reports. A records management program should provide the physical security of both hard-copy and electronic records to ensure confidentiality and protect employee privacy. Each school has records of the students, such as her record, their personal file, and subject books Students records of current year examination and 1 of each student is kept as per class, attendance of both teachers and students report cards, result and extra activities of the school are maintained.

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