Copyright: Merative US L.P. 1973, 2023. Epinephrine is rapidly inactivated in the body and treatment following overdose with epinephrine is primarily supportive. The use of anaphylaxis management cards for an anaphylaxis event can serve as a cognitive aid when rehearsing the protocol for an event. Read and follow these instructions carefully. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 03/27/2022. Do not administer repeated injections of epinephrine at the same site, as the resulting vasoconstriction may cause tissue necrosis. It is the only medication available for the immediate treatment of anaphylaxis. The tissues with the highest contribution to removal of circulating exogenous epinephrine are the liver (32%), kidneys (25%), skeletal muscle (20%), and mesenteric organs (12%). Breast feeding For adrenaline/epinephrine With intramuscular use or intravenous use: Ultimately it is a local decision whether a healthcare setting opts to use auto-injectors instead of adrenaline ampoules. Do not use the solution if it is colored or cloudy, or if it contains particulate matter. 18.6: Administering Intramuscular Medications - Medicine LibreTexts Adrenalin is indicated to increase mean arterial blood pressure in adult patients with hypotension associated with septic shock. The following information includes only the average doses of this medicine. Epinephrine injection: What it is, uses, and how-to guide EpiPen, Adrenaline injectors (300 or 500 micrograms)are usually prescribed for children or adults over 50kg, including pregnant women (e.g. Avoiding adrenaline use in the case of a severe allergic reaction, or preferentially using corticosteroids, bronchodilators or antihistamines, may inadvertently give a message to patients that they should delay using their adrenaline injector, thus increasing potential risk in a subsequent anaphylaxis. Injecting into the outer mid-thigh also makes it extremely unlikely that damage to any nerves or tendons will occur, or that it will be inadvertently injected into an artery or vein. Most healthcare providers likely to deal with anaphylaxis in the healthcare setting should have the skills to draw up adrenaline and give an intramuscular injection of adrenaline. Adrenaline injector practise devices are available and commonly sourced from the Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia website: EpiPen and Anapen training videos are available on Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia website. However, the dose is usually not more than 0.3 mg per injection.
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