- Produces a 4 to 8 Ra surface finish in one pass.
- Improves surface irregularities and tool marks.
- Burnishing is a repeatable and consistent process
- Fast cycle times – measured in seconds, not minutes!
- ID burnishing tools produce accurate sizing in .0001″ increments.
- Roller burnishing results in 25% size improvement in steel and up to a 50% improvement in high ductility materials.
- Eliminates secondary machines and set ups.
- Eliminates secondary processes such as grinding, honing and polishing.
- Elliott burnishing tools feature long lasting and replaceable wear parts, reducing total cost over the life of the tool.
- Burnishing increases the surface hardness through the cold working process and compressive forces.
- Increases metal’s resistance to fatigue and failure at stress points.
- Produces a dense and uniform surface.
- Burnishing is effective for many different part configurations.
- Suitable process for a variety of metals – all ductile metals can be burnished!
- Multi-roll burnishing tools are adjustable to cover a size range.
- The burnishing process has been refined and improved for over 100 years and has a proven record of success.
- RBT will continue to provide the industry’s highest quality burnishing tools.
- RBT burnishing tools require limited training to operate.
- Easy to maintain and repair.
- Common repair parts are always stocked!